Silver Seal Products Company, Inc.

Silver Seal Products Company, Inc.


19224 Allen Rd





In 1959, E.L. “Spike” Havens understood the need for a product that would enable engine builders to renew the life of worn valve springs. Spike invented, patented, and launched the manufacturing of the VSI®, the Valve Spring Insert. Designed with heat slashing serrations, VSI® still remains a truly unique product in today’s market. It is the primary element on which Silver Seal Products Co. has advanced to the forefront.

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Micro Sleeve Repair Sleeve Demonstration

Micro Sleeve Repair Sleeve Demonstration

Micro Sleeve works in harmony with the engine repair industry by manufacturing and selling the ONLY complete solution for oil seal surface repair. Micro Sleeve SEAL SURFACE SLEEVES wears better than OE seal surfaces. If you have ANY full circle rear main seal leaks, THE MICRO SLEEVE "SYSTEM" SOLVES THE PROBLEM! Our product line currently includes crankshaft seal surface sleeves, harmonic balancer seal surface sleeves, overhead cam seal surface sleeves, speci [...]

Quick-Bore Product Demonstration

Quick-Bore Product Demonstration

Silver Seal Products has over 15 years experience solving your overhead cam align-bore problems! Align bore aluminum O.H.C. cylinder heads simply and inexpensively! Over 1,000 shops big and small now enjoy quick, accurate, and high profit rebuilds with this system. COMPLETE JOB - Setup, Align Bore, Install Bearings - IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES!!! No guess work or need to use special micrometers. Special fixed 3 angle cutters require only light pressure (push or [...]

Hylocool Demonstration With a Spoon, Balloon, and Plastic Bottle

Hylocool Demonstration With a Spoon, Balloon, and Plastic Bottle

Watch a video demonstration of HyloCool. See how HyloCool keeps a piece of steel cool to the touch (102F) on one side while being heated to a glowing red with a welder's torch on the other side. We cover a balloon with HyloCool gel and it withstands the heat of a torch. The same for a plastic soda bottle. HyloCool is the amazing new product from Hylomar for use in welding, brazing, and soldering for temporary heat protection of sensitive parts. Use this gel t [...]

HyloCool Demonstration with a Spoon

HyloCool Demonstration with a Spoon

A demonstration on how HyloCool works using a metal spoon and plastic. HyloCool is the amazing new product from Hylomar for use in welding, brazing, and soldering for temporary heat protection of sensitive parts. Use this gel to prevent heat transfer, and protect paints, coatings, and surface finishes, protect valves and fittings, rubber and electric wiring, and to avoid warping thin sheets of metal. Hylocool works through evaporative cooling. The heat densi [...]

Hylomar Universal Blue Demonstration

Hylomar Universal Blue Demonstration

You could say Hylomar Universal Blue was an industrial precursor of the 3M Post-It Note™. Non- setting sealants work by filling the imperfections between the joint surfaces. This stops any fluids leaking through the joint. The product has a low cohesive strength so that the joint can be opened easily. Much like a Post-It Note ™ Hylomar non-setting sealants permit joint movement, and even flange separation, but reseal the moment the joint returns to its nor [...]

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