Mahle Motorsports
270 Rutledge Rd Unit C
Fletcher, NC 28732 USA
Technical Messenger 12 | 2024 Alternator damage due to oil ingress
To avoid costly follow-up damage, it’s crucial to investigate thoroughly and pinpoint the root cause before replacing a faulty generator. One of the most common causes of generator failure is oil intrusion. Be sure to inspect the entire area around the component for oil traces or residues. Common reasons for oil leaks include: - Carelessness when refilling engine oil - Damaged engine seals - Leaky hydraulic lines - Neglect during oil filter changes Before [...]
Passion for Engineering: Georg Baumert
Lerne Georg kennen, unseren engagierten Projektleiter für Traktionsantriebe an unserem deutschen Standort in Kornwestheim. Georg arbeitet bei MAHLE im Bereich Automotive Drive Systems an zukunftsweisenden Technologien für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge. Mit einem jungen, innovativen Team und spannenden mechatronischen Aufgaben gestaltet er die Mobilität der Zukunft. „MAHLE bietet nicht nur interessante Produkte und hervorragende Trainee-Programme, sonder [...]
Werkstatt der Zukunft - Fahrkultur Solingen
In der „Werkstatt der Zukunft“ in Solingen bringt unser zweiter Preisträger Ansgar Weber mit seinem Team der Werkstatt Fahrkultur den Kundenservice auf ein neues Level. Durch ein volldigitalisiertes System aus Tablets, Cloud-Speicher und direkter Kommunikation via WhatsApp werden Arbeitsabläufe optimiert und die Interaktion mit den Kunden effizient gestaltet. Zu Beginn des Jahres hatten wir Werkstätten in ganz Deutschland aufgerufen, uns ihre Zukunftss [...]
Passion for Engineering: Meet Andrej Rul
Get to know the innovators at MAHLE! Meet Andrej, our Group Leader of System Development in Kornwestheim. Andrej pioneers the development of coolant pumps for combustion and battery vehicles. “The greatest benefit for me in working for MAHLE is being part of cutting-edge projects that shape the future of mobility and the company’s focus on professional development.” Andrej's work improves vehicle efficiency and sustainability. His team supports th [...]
MAHLE HVAC Technology: Superior comfort and best-in-class air quality in all driving conditions
The mobility of the future will only work with innovative heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC): In electric vehicles in particular, efficient HVACs make the difference, as they have a significant impact on efficiency and driving range. They also ensure maximum comfort, best air quality and make driving more comfortable, quieter, and more sustainable - worldwide and under all driving conditions. But outstanding HVACs are capable for much m [...]